Over the past several months, I had the pleasure of working with the WordCamp US 2019 design team. WordCamp US is one of the largest regional conference for the WordPress open-source project. As an attendee, I’ve noticed that the conference seems to elevate their trade show design ever year.
During my time on the team, I contributed both physical signage designs as well as a graphics package for the live stream, motion graphics for signage and in-between slides, and a graphical opening for the State of the Word.
The Graphical opening looped on the video screens as attendees filtered into the room to take their seats. These graphics are a retrospective of WordCamp US being in existence for 5 years and features photography from the past events set to jazz music.

One of my favorite additions to this year’s trade show design was the in-between slides, which run on the screens of session rooms in-between speaker sessions. Using animation, I was able to not only draw more attention to the sponsor logos, but also give “pro tips” to the attendees. I crowd-sourced the pro tips from every one else on the organizing team, which included everything from reminding people when lunch is to reminding people to connect with the people around them.

WordCamp US stands out to me as a very welcoming tech conference and I really enjoyed the opportunity to work on the organizer team for this event and help make it a success.
Here’s a quick shout-out to the other people I had the opportunity to work withwith on the design team: